Fall 2022

Giving Thanks This Thanksgiving
August 21, 2024 by
Zoe Nechvatal
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1787 Northwest Ordinance
1803 Ohio becomes 17th State
2006 Historical Society of Olmsted Falls formed Fall, 2022


We are sorry to tell you that Ruth Smith, Neal Rowland, and Patty Lindamood passed away this summer. They are long time members of the HSOF. Their interest and their concern for Olmsted Falls and our Historical Society helped to form a solid foundation for the HSOF. They will be missed. Do to their tremendous efforts we have something we can build on and maintain. Our condolences go out to their families.

We have lost long time supporters of the Historical Society of Olmsted Falls:

Mr. Dilly worked at Brown Hardware, Sprague Road. Gary was very interested in the Historical Society of Olmsted Falls, and his ideas were invaluable to many of our projects. Whenever we had questions or concerns about the best way to do something, he always made the time to offer suggestions and tell us the best way to do it.

Most probably one of the earliest supporters of the historical society - and definitely one of the most distant, Ronald (a retired City Councilman in Alabama) would call to see how we were doing. He offered ideas for making us better. After telling him about our latest efforts, he offered encouragement and said not to give up - especially when we were now. He said you can have a lot of members but you only need a fow dedicated people to keep it going.

Mapleway Drive, Olmsted Falls: U.S. ARMY, retired
When we first started, he had many important items to donate to us. Mr. Wallace was the Commanding Officer of American Legion Post 403 until they merged with Berea Post 91. With the merger Mr. Wallace donated items from American Legion Post 403 to us.

He wanted them to go where they would be preserved, would be soon, and would be cared for. Among the items are flags - one of which we display at the Harding Bridge on Memorial Day, their gavel, podium, a book about the American Legion. James participated in our Armistice Day and Memorial Day ceremonies at New Chestnut Grove Cemetery. He served in both Korea and Vietnam.

NOVEMBER 11, 2022, 11:00 a.m.
ARMISTICE DAY remembrance ceremony, American Legion Post 403 Memorial, New Chestnut Grove Cemetery

NOVEMBER 29, 2022
Dedication of our two new display cases at City Hall, 11:30 a.m.: one in memory of Mrs. Joan Jocke, one in memory of Mr. William G. "Bill* Nickels. 

Please let us know if you may attend the dedication by November 25, 2022:
Call 440-235-2889.
If you like, please stay and help decorate our Christmas tree at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall. Maybe you would like to add an ornament with your family name.

DECEMBER 7, 2022: 
CHRISTMAS PARTY at Tony K's., 5:00 p.m. Please call 440-235-2889 by December 1, 2022, if you will/might attend.

Please send any suggestions for president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary, for 2023:

  1. ) By e-mail to Suchi@toast.net,
  2. ) leave a message at 440-235-2889, or
  3. ) mail them to:

Historical Society of Olmsted Falls
26100 Bagley Road, Room 5A/CG-5
Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138.

Please do so by December 1, 2022, We'll make a ballot and it will be in the next issue.

Please realize that by your hard work or support of the Historical Society of Olmsted Falls, that people appreciate what you have done in establishing and maintaining it. Many call seeking information about various things in the area. Residents like to visit the room and see some of the things that YOU have helped to preserve. If it weren't for you, who knows where the different items and information would have ended up?

Once again, if you would like to write a family history or your memories of Olmsted Falls, please do so. We can add them to our files on families. Unfortunately, once we are gone, all the memories of things and people that we know go with us. The future becomes the present, the present becomes the past, and quickly fades away - and, if we don't write OUR stories, who will ever know them? People can't remember what they never knew.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

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