May 2022

21 août 2024 par
Zoe Nechvatal
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MAY 2022,

​1787 Northwest Ordinance
1803 Ohio becomes 17th State
2006 Historical Society of Olmsted Falls formed

The other day a song was playing on the radio. Time suddenly went back over forty years. My school, St. Brendan, was close to Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Almost every day we would see airliners taking off. At that time people did not fly too much - usually for business. Most of the kids had never been on an airliner. I would explain to the kids how planes operated: wind flowing faster over the top of the wings to give her lift; flaps, rudders. etc.

One day while at the airport, I noticed the arrival/departure board. There was one Eastern flight that flew from Florida to Cleveland by way of Akron - Akron to Cleveland? That isn't too far! It gave me an idea. Calling Eastern Airlines, they gave me information about the final segment of their flight. Many of the passengers departed at Akron so the plane was basically deadheading to
Cleveland to be in position for the next morning. The flight took about fifteen minutes and the cost was $6.50. I spoke to Sr. Francis Clare, our principal, to see what her thoughts were about the kids flying. She liked it. We made plans for a Saturday evening. We had newspaper drives (it was a long time ago, wasn't it?!) . The kids saved their money and their big day arrived: their first flight. Some parents volunteered to drive to Akron and off we went (even though one car ended up at the Akron Air Docks - they made it to the correct airport on

Mr. Joe Corcoran drove one of the cars. He was driving and I was in the front
passenger seat. About halfway to Akron the girls started to sing. 

Their song: LEAVING ON A JET PLANE! Some of you may recall some of the lyrics: "Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'Il be back again…"

Mr. Corcoran and I looked at each other and could hardly keep from bursting out laughing (we didn't!) The kids were so sincere but ....a fifteen minute flight?
The kids knew the basics about how the plane would go up, turn, etc. The Friday before left they were told about all the sounds they would hear on the plane and the different things to watch for: the wings extending, the sound the wheels made as they went into the wheel wells. 

We were at Akron Canton airport in time to see the gleaming blue and white Eastern Boeing 727 taxi up to the gate. She was a magnificent sight to see as the concourse had glass walls and it looked like you could reach out and touch the plane. Soon the Whisperjet roared down the runway and into the air. The flight went well and the kids enjoyed looking out the windows. Being not too full most of them had window seats. When we flew over the Goodyear sign by the 480 bridge the pilot started to slow the plane down. As you know, planes make a steady hum! Uh, oh!!! - one thing I forgot to tell the kids was that when the plane approached Hopkins the pilots would reduce power. I told all the kids around me that they were only reducing power. As I turned to tell the kids in the back - surrounded by the three massive engines - one little girl was holding onto the armrests. Before I could say anything she said: "We ran out of gas! " I said no, the pilots are just reducing speed. 

Needless to say on future flights I did tell the kids about the pilots reducing speed and that the plane would become much quieter!. The plane landed safely at Hopkins with the parents waiting for their loved ones! At that time - maybe some of you may remember - you could walk out on the flat roof of the concourse and stand right above the plane and watch the people get off.
Yes, the drivers to Akron were able to get to Hopkins in time to see their seasoned travelers get off the plane! 


SABRINA My Little Cat Ghost
by: Lynette Combs
The years I've worn you,
Warm upon my shoulder,
Ended here…
Surprised to find us older.
And there was nothing
Left to do today
But hold you close
And help you on your way.
Be still, my little cat.
Be well
Be free.
I know that you're somewhere near.
And loving me.

THANK YOU all that have inquired about Sabrina and sent the nice poems and stories, this poem being one of them. Sabrina's little Christmas miracle lasted until December 29, 2021.

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