Timetable for the War to End All Wars

4 avril 2024 par
Zoe Nechvatal
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Timetable for the War to End All Wars

June 28, 1914
Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Heir Apparent to the Astro-Hungarian Throne and his wife, Duchess Sophie.  The Archduke’s  plan for a triple monarchy was feared by the malcontents. It must not be given a chance to succeed.  Austria sends an ultimatum to Serbia. Serbia would meet most but not all of the demands.

July 25
Austria declares war

July 25
Russia mobilizes in support of Serbia.  Mobilization was the same as declaring war because once armies started  they could not be stopped without upsetting all the plans.

August 1
Germany declared war on Russia.
Under agreement France had to help Russia so Germany was also at war with France. Germany now had enemies on two fronts.

August 2
Britain agrees to support France

August 3
Germany enters Belgium

August 4
Britain declares war on Germany because Germany had entered Belgium

September 23
Italy switches to Entente because she claims not defensive so the Alliance did not hold. (Plus the Entente promised her land if she switched sides.)

From 1914-1918    12,000,000 soldiers would be killed.


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