December 2022

The Northern Cross
August 21, 2024 by
Zoe Nechvatal
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1787 Northwest Ordinance
1803 Ohio becomes 17th State
2006 Historical Society of Olmsted Falls formed

December, 2022
Many people are aware of the Southern Cross located in the Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere has its own NORTHERN CROSS. She can be seen standing in the northwestern sky at Christmas time. The Northern Cross is the brightest part of the constellation CYGNUS, the Swan. If you look to the west (with a little luck it may be a clear night on Christmas Eve) you are able to see the cross. If you are unable to see it at Christmas time, you will be able to see it overhead in the night sky during the summer. It consists of five fairly bright stars. In December, lowest to the western horizon is ALBIREO (magnitude 3.0) - at the bottom of the cross. In a straight line up is SADR. To the north and south of this star are two other bright stars which form the arms of the Northern Cross: the eastern star is GIENAH (2.4) and the western star is RUKH (2.8). Above SADR (magnitude 2.2) is DENEB (visually the 19th brightest star in the sky: magnitude 1.2) - the top of the cross. The Northern Cross is a starry symbol to Christmas. 
Sources: A FIELD GUIDE TO THE STARS AND PLANETS by Donald H. Menzel: SKYGUIDE by Mark R. Chartrand; 1001 QUESTIONS ANSWERED ABOUT ASTRONOMY by James S.Pickering. 


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